Cross Country Drive

Drive from Seattle, WA to Manassas, VA for a grand total of 3,045 miles and 89 gallons worth of gas receipts.

August 19, 2012: day one we left from Seattle and drove 624 miles through Idaho to Butte, Montana. | August 20, 2012: day two a 618 mile drive through Montana and Wyoming to Rapid City, South Dakota. | August 21, 2012: day three the 600 mile trek across South Dakota to Albert Lea, Minnesota. | August 22, 2012: day four and a lighter day of driving; only traveling 333 miles from Albert Lea to Galesburg, Illinois with a stop in Iowa. | August 23, 2012: day five and 534 miles on the road from Illinois through Indianapolis, Indiana to Cambridge, Ohio. | August 24, 2012: last day on the road and only 336 miles. Leaving from Ohio then driving quickly through Pennsylvania, Maryland, and West Virginia before ending our journey in Manassas, Virginia.

2012-08-20 09.21.41
2012-08-20 09.21.41
Milage once we reached end of day one in Butte, Montana
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